**Please note the change in the lesson schedule for 2015**
Tennis Whiz and Level 1 Red lessons will now be held on Monday & Wednesday - all other levels will be held on Thursday and Friday.
Lesson schedule for weeks 2-8 starting on Tuesday, June 23rd:
Monday & Wednesday
- Level 1 Red (ages 5-8)...................................9:15AM - 10:15AM
- Tennis Whiz (ages 3-5)..................................10:15AM - 10:45AM
Tuesday & Thursday
- Level 4 (ages 11-17)..........................................10:15AM - 11:15AM
- Level 4 Advanced (ages 11-17).....................10:15AM - 11:15AM
- Novice (age 12 and up)..................................10:15AM - 11:15AM
- Level 3 (ages 9-12)..........................................11:15AM - 12:15PM
- Level 2 (ages 7-11).............................................12:15PM - 1:15PM
Lessons for more advanced players can be arranged with the Pro's if there is interest. Please contact Mike or Beth directly or click here.