Memorial Day Party Sign-up
It's been a while, but we are excited to kick off another great season at Eagle Ridge with our traditional Memorial Day and New Member party! Chiavetta's will be back providing a fully catered meal so everyone can sit back and enjoy the evening with family and friends.
The meal will be a buffet with your choice of chicken, pulled pork, hotdogs & hamburgers, mac & cheese, salted potatoes & green salad with Chiavetta's dressing, and assorted dessert trays.
Water and drinks will be provided for the kids. Feel free to bring your favorite beverage as well. Red beer cups will be available for a $2.00 donation at the door.
The party runs from 6:00 - 10:00 PM with dinner being served at 6:00.
The cost is $18.00 per person. Your ClubExpress member account will be billed using this form.
Please email with any questions.