Join us this Sunday, Sept 28th for fun and games at the Eagle Ridge Fall Festival. The weather forecast shows sunshine and temps in the mid 70's. Come see the Club's Fall foliage at it's peak! Friends and extended family are welcome to join in on the fun.
Don't miss the fun starting at 12:00pm until 5:00pm.
Chili cook-off
Hot Dogs on the grill
Mayer Brothers cider and donuts
Face painting
Pumpkin patch walk
Crafts for kids
Flag football
Snow cones
Pumpkin ring toss
Hay stack scramble for candy
Bills vs. Texans
You are welcome to bring your favorite adult beverage as well as a plate to pass if you would like. The grills will be ready and available for all to use.
An RSVP is not required, but appreciated to get a sense for the amount of hot dogs, cider, donuts, etc. Last minute additions are welcome!