ERRA Covid-19 Updates
Eagle Ridge Members and Families,
Beginning Saturday May 23, the tennis courts will be open. Members must reserve a court each time they play. Reservations can be made online using the button on the club home page. Please use the password sent to you in the 5/22/20 email communication.
Please read and sign the waiver sent to you via email, and either send it back via email or bring it to the courts when you play. There is a designated drop location at the guard office/ shack. In addition, please read and adhere to the following rules when using the tennis courts.
The ERRA waiver must be signed by members and for their children on-line before they can play tennis. Any family member in the household over the age of 18 must sign the waiver.
Players 17 and under must be accompanied by a parent or an adult over 18 years of age.
Tennis is for Members only. Guests/Non-members are not allowed.
Bathrooms will be closed and no facilities will be provided.
All other areas of Eagle Ridge are not to be used while on the premises. This includes the playground, sandbox, pavilion, playing fields, etc.
Failure to follow the rules and guidelines may result in revocation of tennis playing privileges.
The sport of tennis naturally lends itself to social distancing. With a few modifications, tennis can still be enjoyed and can play a vital role in managing stress, socializing safely, and providing the opportunity for members to engage in much needed exercise. The following modifications have been created in conjunction with recommendations outlined by the CDC, OSHA, and USTA.
Face covering
Hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes
Water bottle large enough to keep you hydrated during play.
Consider taking extra precaution such as wearing gloves.
Sharpie to mark your personal tennis balls or use 2 different numbered balls as outlined in WHEN PLAYING.
Stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, including but not limited to: mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, etc.
Stay home if you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
Please do not play tennis if you have preexisting conditions, as defined by the CDC, that puts you at greater risk of contracting COVID-19.
As hand sanitizer is commercially in short supply, we ask that you bring your own.
All benches are removed from the tennis courts. Any trash can be put in the dumpster.
Arrive no sooner than 10 minutes before your reservation. Do not enter the courts until the players have left the court you have reserved.
Continue to be respectful to fellow members by keeping your distance as recommended by the CDC.
Protect against infections:
Please use a hand sanitizer before going onto the court. Please bring your own sanitizer.
Do not share racquets or any other equipment such as wristbands, grips, hats and towels.
Use new balls and a new grip if possible.
If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue or upper sleeve. Please take any used tissues with you when you leave or put them in the dumpster.
Avoid touching court nets, fences, etc. if you can.
As recommended by the USTA: Although unlikely, it is possible that a tennis ball can transmit the COVID-19 virus, as virtually any hard surface can transmit the disease. So, here are extra precautions you can take to keep safe when playing tennis:
Open two cans of tennis balls that do not share the same number on the tennis balls.
Take one set of numbered balls, and have your playing partner take the set of balls from the other can.
Proceed with play, making sure to pick up your set of numbered balls only. Should a ball with the other number wind up on your side of the court, do not touch the ball with your hands. Use your racket head or your feet to advance the ball to the other side of the court.
Try to stay at least six feet apart from other players. Do not make physical contact with them (such as shaking hands or a high five).
Doubles play is recommended only for members of the same household. You should consider not playing doubles with individuals not in your household as it could lead to incidental contact and unwanted proximity. If you do play doubles, avoid all incidental contact.
Avoid touching your face after handling a ball, racquet, or other equipment. Sanitize your hands promptly if you have touched your eyes, nose or mouth.
Avoid sharing food, drinks, or towels.
Use your racquet/ foot to pick up balls and hit them to your opponent. Avoid using your hands to pick up the tennis balls.
Stay on your side of the court. Avoid changing ends of the court.
Remain apart from other players when taking a break.
If a ball from another court comes to you, send it back with a kick or with your racquet.
USTA recommendations suggest sanitizing your equipment after playing.
Please take everything with you. This includes the balls and any garbage.
Leave the court as soon as reasonably possible.
Please use your hand sanitizer after coming off the court.
No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. No congregating after playing.
Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate through this pandemic. Together we can make tennis fun, enjoyable, and safe!
Less than two weeks ago we sent an update on the Club's status based on what we knew at the time. Since then, on May 14th state officials announced that the Western New York region can begin the process of reopening, reversing some of the many restrictions that have been in place since the pandemic disrupted our way of living.
But precisely what the four-phase approach for a gradual reopening means for Eagle Ridge and many other organizations in Western New York is still not clear:
Under the governor's New York Forward guidance, ERRA is classified as a "Recreational Business" and not allowed to be open until Phase 4 of the reopening plan, projected to be on or around June 29th.
Initially, state officials announced a framework for what businesses will be able to reopen and by when, only to later walk back hard timelines and allow things to blur by describing the process as one that will follow more flexible guidelines.
On May 11th governor Cuomo stated during a public comment period that low-risk, outdoor businesses and activities, which include tennis, can reopen statewide.
However, there was no official, written guidance on tennis or other outdoor recreational activities, nor reference to tennis activities for a Recreational Business, in his Executive Order published shortly thereafter on May 14th.
The commentary above is not an indictment on the actions our government is taking, it's an example of how fluid this situation has become, and how challenging it is to make choices about our Club this season.
Our Commitment to You
The following principles will guide our decision making as we plan to reopen the Club:
The health and safety of our employees and members remains our top priority as we work to imagine what this year, and potentially years to come, may look like for the Club
We will follow fact-based guidance from legal counsel, public health experts, and local, state and federal government officials
We will not open until we have the confidence that the best health and preventative measures have been taken to provide comfort and safety to our employees and members
We will increase our communication to members during this time of uncertainty - providing updates even if there is limited additional information to share.
We are in the process of setting up a plan with rules and guidelines to open the tennis courts safely. A reservation system and signage related to appropriate social distancing practices need to be put in place before the courts may open. More information will be forthcoming as soon as possible.
Additional Facilities and Club Grounds
Unfortunately, the playground, basketball courts, pavilion and the club grounds are off limits until further notice. Members are not allowed to congregate on Club grounds - only members who have reserved single play are allowed on the grounds.
While we wait for additional requirements to become available for Recreational Businesses, an initial re-opening plan outlining our intentions to limit transmission and protect our employees from exposure is in development as will be required by New York State regulation.
Assuming we are granted the option to open the Club on or around June 29th, we would like to know if you, the members of the Club have an interest in using its facilities this season. Remember, our new normal this summer may require several restrictions. Please complete this survey that was emailed to you on 5/20/20 so we can incorporate your feedback into our plan. Please email if you can’t locate your email with the survey link.
Please remember that we are in unprecedented times. Organizations and governments are trying to balance swift and smart action. Nobody has a crystal ball, and we are doing the best we can to try to make perfect decisions with imperfect information. We are asking for your patience, support, and participation in the conversation through completion of the survey.
Thank you,
ERRA Board of Directors