2018 ERRA Adult Tennis Programming
Ladies Inter-Club
This is a social fun event held on Tuesday nights at 7pm at Eagle Ridge, Hickory Hill and OPCC. This is a great opportunity for new members to get a work out and meet new people from our club and the surrounding clubs. Each week a different club hosts the event and is responsible for providing food and beverages. Signup will be posted on the tennis board and on line when Eagle Ridge hosts. The season kicks off on (TBD) at 7:00PM (location TBA). Matches will be cancelled if it is raining. Please join us!
Please contact Kathy Gabryel at (716) 662-8016 (h), (716) 431-6570 (c) or gabryelk@aol.com.
Ladies Round-Robin 3.0-3.5
The Ladies Round-Robin will be run by one of our tennis professionals. Each round robin session will have a "tip of the day" that the professional will cover before the start of play. Also, the pro will be there to organize the rounds and to play in when there is an odd number of people.
Time - Tuesday mornings from 8:30AM - 10:00AM starting Tuesday, June 25th
Cost - $15 per person per session (fee paid directly to Pro - cash or check)
**Minimum of 3 people per class for it to run.
Cardio Tennis
Cardio Tennis is for all levels. We will have a blast with fun exciting drills that keep everyone moving and hitting for a great Cardio workout!
Time - Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00AM - 10:00AM starting Mon, June 24th
Cost - $15 per person per session (fee paid directly to pro - cash or check)
Level - All skill levels
*Minimum of 3 people per class for it to run.
Men's Round-Robin
Monday nights are men’s doubles tennis starting @ 7:00PM. This is open to ALL the male members who are looking for some fun competitive tennis. What a great way to meet other tennis players, get a work out and have some fun. This is an open invitation to play based on individual availability.
Time - Monday's from 7:00PM - 11:00PM, May 20th - October 21st (weather permitting)
Cost - A can of tennis balls and your ego
Level - All are welcome!
Please contact Dave Kostrzewski with any questions @ (716) 864-6185 (c) or mail to davekmsg@aol.com.
Stroke Of The Week
Each week we will be focusing on a stroke that will help improve your fundamentals and shot making abilities. Forehands, overheads, volleys, and serves, will all be covered throughout the summer. Sessions start Friday, June 28th.
Time - Fridays 9:30AM - 10:30AM
Cost - $15 per person (fee paid directly to Pro - cash or check)
Level - 3.0 - 3.5
**Minimum of 3 people per class for it to run.
quick start / beginner tennis
This is the perfect opportunity to learn to play tennis. This class is for those who have little or no knowledge of the game of tennis. Students will learn the mechanics of the basic strokes, scoring and tennis etiquette.
Time – Thursdays 9:00AM – 10:00AM starting Thursday June 27th
Cost - $15 per lesson (fee paid directly to Pro - cash or check)
**Minimum of 3 people per class for it to run.
Memorial Day Tournament – Monday, May 27th from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
July 4th Tournament – TBD
Labor Day Tournament – Monday, Sept 2nd from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sue Miller Ladies Tournament/ InterClub Night.....TBD
Parent/Child Tournament - Saturday, July 20th from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Please email tennis@erra.us with any questions.